Wednesday 17th May, 2017 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Liverpool FC and Joie have today announced a three year partnership deal that sees Joie become the Club’s first Family Partner and Global Baby Gear Partner.
The partnership will kick off this weekend at LFC World in Shanghai, where Joie will be hosting a two hour football clinic led by LFC coaches for children aged six to eight.
本周末即将在上海举行的LFC World活动中,巧儿宜将正式以俱乐部合作伙伴的身份亮相。届时在俱乐部教练的指导下,巧儿宜将在活动现场为6到8岁的儿童举办一场时长两小时的“足球小教室”。
Joie will also launch a range of Liverpool FC branded baby products in 2018, as well as working with the Club to deliver a host of family focused events. Additionally, the partnership will offer Joie social media and marketing support as well as access to LFC players and legends throughout the season.
The partnership comes as Joie, which sells a wide range of baby gear - from car seats and strollers to cots and soothers, continues its global expansion. The partnership will bring the Joie brand to millions of LFC fans around the world.
巧儿宜自创立以来长期专注于制造宝宝各个成长阶段所需要的亲子用品 —— 产品覆盖涉猎之广从汽车安全座椅、婴儿手推车到婴儿床、奶嘴,并且巧儿宜仍在扩张其产品的全球版图。此次合作的达成也将巧儿宜这个品牌带到了全球成百上千万利物浦球迷的身边。
Billy Hogan, Managing Director and Chief Commercial Officer, Liverpool FC, said: “We are delighted to welcome Joie as our first ever Official Family Partner. Joie is a brand that really embraces and promotes family values, echoing perfectly the philosophy of Liverpool Football Club. We are very much looking forward to working with Joie as well as offering our fans new and exciting products for young fans and families through the partnership.”
David Welsh, Senior Managing Director, Joie, said: “We're thrilled to be Liverpool FC's first ever Official Family Partner and Baby Gear Supplier. Liverpool is one of the world’s best football teams and an iconic global Club and the partnership will boost global awareness of Joie. Just as importantly, the club shares our values of supporting families in need and we look forward to working with the club on charitable initiatives.”
Joie,作为英国知名婴童用品品牌,其品牌名称蕴含英语“Joy”喜悦的原意,意指伴随着幸福感而来的喜悦。以“创造亲子间最大喜悦与欢乐生活”为品牌精神和理念,Joie巧儿宜自创立以来长期专注于制造宝宝各个成长阶段所需要的亲子用品 —— 产品覆盖涉猎之广从安全座椅、婴儿手推车到婴儿床等。为了让父母亲无后顾之忧的照顾孩子,Joie巧儿宜承诺所有产品从外观设计、材质结构到制造生产都以最高安全规格为标准,绝不妥协。 并且在安全优先的原则上,提供多样化,物超所值,并充满设计感的产品来满足父母照顾孩子的需求。